bile time hati kosong,jiwa kosong,otak kosong..
tgn plak sibuk nk mnaip..pheww..
its complicated okey!
btw,mmg da lame jgk la xupdate blog kn..
so,this time wanna to update la skit..haha..
okey! so,firstly sy nk mention kat sini yg
sy in process untk mningkat lg thap ksbrn..
since akhir2 ni t'lalu byk sgt2 dugaan dn ujian yg mndtg..
so,mcm org slalu ckp.."sabar jelah"!!
Alhamdulillah stakat ni sy msih bley b'sbr.. ; )
plus,sbr tu kn sparuh drpd iman....
prnah juga sy t'baca :-
maksud ayat 54 dari surah Al-Qasas
ini yg mmbuatkn sy lebih kuat dn yakin untk b'sbar..
krn memikirkn tntng ganjaran nya......
"Al-Qasas [54] : Mereka itu akan beroleh pahala dua kali disebabkan kesabaran mereka; dan juga kerana mereka menolak kejahatan dengan kebaikan, dan mereka menderma dari apa yang Kami kurniakan kepada mereka...."
Read it somewhere ;-
" It has never been easy to be patient, but it's probably harder now than at any time in history. In a world in which messages can be sent across the world instantly, in which seemingly everything is available for immediate purchase with a few clicks of the mouse, it's hard not to always expect instant gratification. But patience remains a valuable tool in life. We don't always get instant gratification, and some of the best things in life require years of hard work and waiting. Fortunately, patience is a virtue that can be cultivated and nurtured. "
: ) InnaAllahama' assobirin : "Sesungguhnya Allah bersama org2 yg bersabar".....
Be Patient,
Nuramalina Rusmi